Happily hitching a ride with my ever so helpful colleague, Let’s call him Paul! as my Car refused to start thanks to my Mechanic stylishly trying to convert me to a weekly source of income….. We noticed a care ahead of us slowing down right before the toll gate, parked in the middle of two lanes. More after the cut…..
Paul pressed the horn a couple of times and the driver honestly looked confused…. His eyes Red, Swollen….
He seemed to be pondering on what direction to go next, Left… or Right…? Paul pressed the horn one more time and we noticed the driver had placed both hands on his ears….. Hmm……
This one na obviously money matter!! So we the spectators continued our journey moving on to another lane and had a swell gist on
“What troubles the Average Nigerian especially”
this present day…
The List goes on and on but I have a few below…..
#TOLL GATE FEES: it is quite obvious that this can be a bit of a headache, especially the one in Lekki. Just imagine heading to work, paying your toll fee and forgetting an EXTREMELY important item or document at home? That may be enough to make one place both hands on ones ears…
#LITTLE OR NO POWER SUPPLY: well we all find this part absolutely ridiculous as we hardly receive power supply but they.. our beloved Power Authority never hesitate to bring huge bills or increase tariffs.
Note; as i am typing NEPA/PHCN (the name has not changed much of anything anyways) just decided to seize my power supply @about 4:30 am and it was brought back at 1:00 am. So they have probably concluded for now that we “The People” here need power supply while we are fast asleep in dream land.
#FUEL: it is either scarcity of fuel, or long queues in filling stations or something….
#LOW INCOME: Where there is employment but the income is not enough to cover the ever increasing bills or when you frown once you get an alert knowing it’s all gone once withdrawn.
#UNEMPLOYMENT: this seem to be ongoing that the best solution i believe now is Entrepreneurship and creation of jobs for our youth and people. We need more people to come out and teach how to fish, and it does seem like all the fishes that were being distributed did not circulate. Empowerment is the key…..
#DOLLAR RATE/NAIRA: As at yesterday was N352/$1 almost double what it was about a year ago.
#PRICE: the price of meat/garri…. and other food items in the market is on the rise. Every item is on the rise, the @president frowns @importation but we still await the practical solution to Manufacturing, even SMEs are finding it difficult. We call for a way forward, we believe there is a way forward, we will create a way forward. Let’s do this!
#BABY FOOD/DIAPERS: babies are born daily and are blessings, most parents in this present day crack their heads on how to provide. Let’s empower women and family for a good ripple effect for a positive outcome.
A whole lot of trouble right? After discussing all these and much more. Paul and i did realize, the young man had many reasons for needing Alomo Bitters, but i say to him and many more out there, the troubles we see today… we shall see no more. Let’s create solutions; be Solutions, Greatness awaits us all……
Have a lovely day All…..
Thursday, 18 February 2016 (First Publication). Republished November 23, 2024
PHOTO CREDIT: Lolla’s Lens